I have had some time to really contemplate Project:IDWIL and I think that there is so much potential. I must admit that it is hard for me to really say "I Do What I Love," so realize that this project comes from someone still on his journey. IDWIL is not a statement made by a guy who has 'made it,' it is what I am shooting for. You found this site (and have read enough about it) for a reason - more than likely you are still on the search as I am. I claim that this site/movement is to help my daughters figure out "when do I want to be when I grow up?", but that is to keep me in line - when I add content, it has to pass the "does this add value for Mia & Lola?" test. However, I have no issue noting that it is for me as well. And you. Down the road, this will be a collaborative effort. Down the road, it will go from " PRAH'- ject: IDWIL " to "pro-JECT': IDWIL" and we will all proudly tell the world that we do what we love!
In the meantime, I continue to research - to look for like-minded people, helpful resources, and identify other ways to communicate the IDWIL issues, missions, and vision. Here is the most recent, a 2:27 video by Jasmine Lai with great style and a simple message:
I can't create a community out of thin air, so I need your help.
If you are here and see value in the Project:IDWIL mission, please leave a comment - even if it is just "let's do this!" Just as importantly, please share the IDWIL message - surely you know someone young or old that struggles with where he or she can implement his/her passion.
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I am truly grateful for any support you can provide.