

Teacher Seeks Pupil

Teacher Seeks Pupil

​Finding your passion is the goal, but sometimes that is a bridge too far at your current state. Let's, instead, start here: what are you really good at? Don't blow it off if you are truly an expert at something you don't give great value - you are an expert for a reason and can teach others your skill.

What P:IDWIL is About Fixing

I think most anyone who has ever read Ms. Johnston's comic strip "For Better or For Worse" can agree that its humor is in its truth. This one struck me as very IDWIL-esque when I saw it this morning, so I thought I would share. Not every post needs to be a long writing assignment - this is just  one of those mosaic pieces that fits perfectly into the bigger Project:IDWIL image that is continually being formed.

Hopefully one day, a comment like John's will be the exception, and not the norm.

If you enjoy these blog posts, support what +Project:IDWIL is about, or even just know Jake, please use the tools/icons in the top right of the page to Add this to your circles; Subscribe to the blog; Like Project:IDWIL on FacebookFollow @ProjectIDWIL on TwitterFollow on Pinterest

Inspired by Everyday Life

Click here for This American Life:24 Hours at the Golden Apple

Okay, so I am fascinated by stories - more specifically, the over-looked fact that everybody has a story or multiple stories. I talk about this in my Project:IDWIL talk. I talk about it in blogs. I talk about it with friends. I think about it as I listen to podcasts that revolve around the idea. NPR’s show This American Life is one of those podcasts I listen to, and it often fulfills that interest I have. However, this morning, Ira Glass’ podcast blew me away - interested me to the point of euphoria! The idea for the story was simple: have the show’s staff interview everyone in The Golden Apple, a 24-hour restaurant in Chicago, for 24 hours. They were sure to meet some characters, hear some extraordinary stories as well everyday stories. I loved this show.  I would recommend it to anyone, but I also understand that not everyone with react nearly as excitedly as I do.  I love finding hidden gems; but more true to my interests, I love finding inspiration in what could easily be considered ‘ordinary.’

If you enjoy these blog posts, support what +Project:IDWIL is about, or even just know Jake, please use the tools/icons in the top right of the page to Add this to your circles; Subscribe to the blog; Like Project:IDWIL on FacebookFollow @ProjectIDWIL on TwitterFollow on Pinterest